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Who Are We?

In December 2016, beekeepers, researchers, pollinator organizations and concerned citizens from around the world met for a dialogue based conference “Audacious Visions for the Future of Bees and Beekeeping” (Bee Audacious, for short):  a collaborative working conference to envision bold evidence-based ideas through which honeybees, wild bees, beekeepers, and pollination managers can prosper. 

After Bee Audacious, we continued developing our ideas on ways to connect concerned citizens to  restoration projects, link individual habitat contributions to large scale environmental organizations, and create a network for people to share pollinator concerns, garden photos, questions, and guidance. 


Our final idea was 10x10+10—a project that encourages individuals and organizations to support one another in a joint effort to preserve habitat and promote biodiversity. 


We are now working to spread awareness about the project and build support. Every contribution helps us continue our work to spread awareness and restore habitat.



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10 x 10 + 10 c/o Planetwork,
PO Box 3835, San Rafael, CA 94912.

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©2021 by 10x10+10.

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